Parents » Attendance


The Castaic Union School District urges parents to make sure their student attends school daily, and that appointments and vacations be scheduled outside of the school day. If your student is absent a parent or guardian should notify the office the same day. You may call the attendance hotline at 661-257-4550 or speak directly to our Attendance Clerk at extension 2115. You may also send a message via Jupiter Ed, Parent Square, or at the link below. 
All absences not cleared within 72 hours will be recorded as truant.
The main doors close promptly at 8:35 a.m. each morning, and students arriving late need to report directly to the attendance office for a tardy pass. A tardy that is not verified by a parent or guardian note or phone call will be considered unexcused. 
Multiple Absences
Students who have multiple full day absences, period absences, or who are repeatedly pulled out of school early, whether excused or unexcused, will be referred to the School Attendance and Review Board (SARB) per the California Education Code. Attendance letters will be issued to those who have excessive absences.